Sunday, March 12, 2017

Good Snow

If I had to guess, I'd say snow is about a twice a year event here, and it's nothing that ever last. This impromptu snow fall was not much different in that respect, as I think it turned to rain by lunch and was completely gone by dinner time. But there was one major difference from the snow we usually get... it was super perfect for snowballs. No scrapping and slamming, pushing and shoving snow together; hoping it would stick. Instead this stuff was more like, pick it up, and bam... snow ball. It was awesome.

On the flip side, we're not exactly well equipped for weather like this (with respect to clothing or tolerance) and so by the time the last kid got all their gear on and was ready to go out, the other two were pretty much ready to come back in already. I'm freezing was the cry of the day. But for the meager 10 minutes we lasted outside, I think everyone got their fair share of pelting. And loved it.

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