He is also officially on the move. Last month, I talked about him getting around with the walker, and he has gotten much better with that. But this month he added two more components to his repertoire: full rollovers (i.e., from back to stomach and vice versa) and his version of baby crawling. It's kind of a G.I.Joe Army Commando stomach crawling thing he's got going on. But the bottom line is that our son has turned into a 16 pound inchworm and is now officially independently mobile. I'm not sure if I'm ready for the level of baby surveillance that this is going to require... but oh well.
Here's Justin on the move:

As an aside, I have to admit it's almost odd and surprising that he still isn't walking. But then I have to remind myself that he is still only 7 months old and wasn't supposed to be doing all of that standing and getting around to begin with. The thing is, he's been such an anomaly since birth that now it's easy to lose scope of what he is and isn't supposed to be doing at his age. I almost want to ask the doctor, why isn't he walking yet? But I know the answer will be "DUHHHHH... because he's 7 months old, stoopid!" The babycenter milestones have "walking" listed at around 12 months for 50% of the population. But then according to them, he is also not supposed to be "standing while holding onto something" until 9 months... and that definitely seems absurd.
A lot of times V and I find ourselves saying that we can't wait to have another kid just so we can get a better idea of what is "normal" and what isn't. For example, we often hear that he is "such a good baby" (he smiles most the time, sleeps well, doesn't cry when he wakes up, content with strangers, etc). But as first time parents we obviously don't know any different so we just shrug when we hear these things. Which means that child number 2 might be very interesting if (s)he tries to make up for all the good fortune we've had with child number 1.
Hmmm. Maybe we'll wait a while.
Anyway, Justin Alexander also...
• caught a stomach virus last month which set him back a little in weight (down to the 10th percentile)... but he's recovering nicely.
• got his first hair cut (at home)
• absolutely loves peek-a-boo
• laughs at almost anything
• still has no teeth
• is releasing his first exercise video next month
• Loves to bang the daylights out of anything he can get his hands on, especially tabletops and keyboards. The only thing he won't bang on is the little Infantino drum that he is supposed to play with (why, of course!)
• has learned what his toys look like, and as a result will often refuse to play with anything that looks age-appropriate. He might whine if you hand him a supercolorful squeezy thingamajig that makes noise... but a plastic cup and a paper towel will keep him busy for days.
• has discovered the hair on his head (amongst other things that mommy won't let me write about). It's hilarious and inexplicably weird to see him sitting in his swing just twirling his locks as if he is contemplating the Cuban missile crisis and it's affect on present-day North Korea. [No more CNN for Justin]
• has pretty much abandoned bibs since becoming such a neat eater
• is totally psyched about the Giants going to the Superbowl next week. I tried to get him equally excited about the Knicks winning 5 of their last 7 games.. but he was quick to point out that they still have the second worse record in the Eastern Conference.
For a 7 month old, he can be so pessimistic sometimes.
Anyway, here are the latest video clips of Justin doing... well... honestly... nothing really.
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