V is part of a "New Mommies" discussion board and recently CC'ed me on an email that she sent to the group. Long story short, the email was so well written and provocative that I felt compelled to publish it on the blog for permenence. But first, here is my editorial lead-in.
The truth is, it can be argued all day long as to which is the greater sacrifice for a mom: leaving gainful employment (that you actually enjoy) to be at home full-time with your family, or being home only part-time in order to fulfill additional callings that God has pressed upon your life. In V's case, those callings include having the passion and ability to uniquely educate and essentially raise other people's children as a high school math teacher. Fortunate for her, God has blessed her with a supportive enough life partner (hooray... that's me) to where she is able to do both (work and raise Justin) successfully. And with that said, here is her original email, plus or minus some name changes but otherwise unedited.
Elizabeth - I, too, am glad for you and your husband that things are working out in terms of making provisions while you stay at home raising DJ. Shamika, as you mentioned, once you are aligned with God's will for your life - God will provide (whether that's financially or otherwise).
I remember that going back to work was a very difficult decision for me and I went through a variety of emotions (both positive and negative) before I

In the midst of working through all of that, one of the biggest lessons that I learned is that not every mother is supposed to be a "stay-at-home" mom (and vice versa for that matter). If that were the case, you, Elizabeth, would not have any clients as a childcare provider because somebody has to work in order for you to have work - LOL! Seriously, though, it's easy to judge others based upon our own personal convictions, so I've learned to be mindful that God's will for my life may not be God's will for my Christian sister "next door." Within my circle of Christian friends and family, I have some that were/are stay-at-home moms and others who went back to work, and I really had to check myself to make sure I was not judging them either way.
This is why I can (now) easily rejoice with you Elizabeth and you Shamika (and potentially you, Persephone) about staying at home . . . because I am not on some kind of crusade to convince new moms to go back to work - LOL! That seems ridiculous, I know, but it happens (usually in reverse, though). Who knows if I will be working (outside of the home) or if I'll be a stay-at-home mom when the next child arrives, or even sooner for that matter?! Only God knows - and I'll be ready and willing either way.

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