Collectively, the three of us have been a mess over the past 5 days or so. It started with Justin Alexander's mysterious wheezing on Tuesday. His breathing sounded bad to the point where a doctor's visit was warranted. I was hesitant since the only doctor available was one that I felt (from previous visits) was on a personal crusade to diagnose every baby in America with asthma... and as always V said it showed all over my face. So anyhow, by Tuesday night Justin had his own personal nebulizer (i.e., fancy breathing machine) and prescription for new meds. By Wednesday morning, the projectile vomiting marathon began as did Justin's 3-day house arrest with daddy. Quarantined for 72 hours. Oh what fun.
We still haven't a clue where the vomiting came from. At first I was sold on it being a side effect of the meds. But on the other hand, it was hard to ignore the fact that his daycare provider spent all of Tuesday "cleansing her system" (that's fancy talk for throwing up left and right). Her best guess was food poisoning, which makes some sense since no one else in her house got sick... but who knows. Either way, by Thursday Justin had dropped at least 1/2 pound (which by my calculations is the big-people equivalent of 5 pounds) and by Friday V and I suddenly didn't feel so well either. I fought off stomach issues all day with a bottle of pink stuff, while V wasn't so lucky. By friday evening, she joined Justin in the projectile marathon, lost 5 pounds of her own, and the circle of love and sharing was complete. Hey... we do everything as a family.
Somewhere in between all of that and in no particular order, Justin played hooky from daycare for 3 days straight, I fielded what seemed like 4000 calls for our vacancy at rental property 1, Justin's appetite came and went (and is finally close to normal again), his vomiting stopped, the wheezing improved, we changed his meds, my stomach settled while my throat got itchy (ugh), and V now seems back to normal. At the moment, I'm at the computer sipping Theraflu, Justin is asleep with minimal wheezing, and V is in the living room tutoring Geometry like nothing ever happened.
Never a dull moment.
Afterthought... Don't think for a minute that all of that craziness did anything to deter Justin's usual big grin and super-happy demeanor. It quickly became obvious that his condition was bothering us way more than it was him. So much so that I told V without exaggeration that, if I had to rank all 203 days of his life so far from happiest to not, Wednesday (the day he upchucked at least a half dozen times) would easily be in the top 3.
Considering what he was going through, that's Just... weird. Will somebody please tell the boy what sick is supposed to look like.
Not sure if you have started already, but if you haven't... begin laying hands on Justin whenever he shows indications of becoming sick. Make it a normal process for him and you. He'll learn early, and having faith in God for healing will become a normal thing to him.
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