As for specifics on baby #2, (s)he weighs 11 ounces now, is also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. V started feeling the baby move about a week or two ago. Not the heavy kicks that Justin delivered at around 26 weeks, but for now it's just the flutters of movement that politely remind us that something is cooking on the insides.
Also, we did finally get our sonograms last Friday... and while it was totally cool to watch the baby on the screen and marvel at his/her every hand wave, foot wiggle, and somersault... my thoughts on the sonogram printouts themselves have not changed a whole lot since the first pregnancy. I mean, for real...
am I the only one that feels like I'm taking an ink blot test when you're looking at those things? And even the ones that you can make out, they just look so doggone skeletal to me. And so as the lab technician started to make googly sounds and tell us how cute the baby is, I starting thinking to myself, "How long would I have to be trapped in this room before I starting seeing what she sees"... because she sees "just the most beautiful little baby... " and I see a Steven Spielberg movie in the making. Hey maybe V and I are just not warm and fuzzy enough to appreciate the images (which I refuse to post)... but have no fear "little baby-in-the-making". Once you start to put some flesh on those bones and finish cooking, we're gonna love you with everything that we've got!
Just don't tell Justin... who, by the way, is apparently going for the record in terms of number of teeth in a span of time. I lost count, but I think he's up to 11 total that have broken the surface... SEVEN of which came in the past 6 weeks or so. And talk about temperamental...

Just don't tell Justin... who, by the way, is apparently going for the record in terms of number of teeth in a span of time. I lost count, but I think he's up to 11 total that have broken the surface... SEVEN of which came in the past 6 weeks or so. And talk about temperamental...
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