I just recently mentioned that Justin hadn't made much progress in learning to dress or undress himself. And it wasn't until I re-read the entry myself that I thought, "Duh... how could he if we haven't tried to teach him yet." And it turns out that he was quite ready to do so... I guess he was just waiting for a little direction; because just a few days after we set out to be more deliberate with involving him in the procedure, we got word from the babysitter that Justin prefers to run around with no clothes on... ridding himself of his pants and socks numerous times throughout the day. Ha! Sorry, Justin. Next time we'll stay on the ball and make sure we're doing out part. Now, um... in the meantime, can you put your pants back on for us? Thanks.

And speaking of which, he's making good progress on the rest of the dressing skill set as well. Ask him to "Quita la ropa" and he'll do what he can to take his shirt off (though he still needs plenty of help getting it over his head)... and after we step him into his pants, he'll pull 'em up on cue if you help him stand and balance. As of late, he seems pretty intent on learning to put on his own socks and shoes, but I think that takes a lot more dexterity than he has right now (which of course means that he'll make a mockery of my comments and master the art in the next 12 minutes).
As for other corrections, the word "No" has also popped into his vocabulary over the past few days and appropriately accompanies his emphatic head nod when he's telling us the 10,000 things that he doesn't want us to do for him. So opinionated at 18 months. Hard to believe that it's only the beginning.
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