So here's the deal with the bike. We wanted to buy Justin a bike back in '09, just after he turned two years old. But we talked ourselves out of it figuring that we'd wait until Christmas. Then winter came and looked like this... and so we figured we may as well wait until his Birthday. Well... his birthday came and we had the revelation that I'd be gone for a good part of the summer. With that, V convinced me that teaching him to ride his bike was a father-son moment that I wouldn't want to miss. So we waited again. However, we then had the additional dilemma of finding a bike big enough for a three year old but simple enough for him to learn on since we had bypassed the big wheel phase (which I now know is helpful for teaching kids how to pedal).
And so here we were in late July... two kids... no bike... and two indecisive parents. But the wait is over, as we are now a 3 bike household (with one more bike on the way for mommy). And we're happy to say that Justin is doing great on the Radio Flyer and probably about ready to move to his training wheel bike. Now if we can just get him to figure out the steering thing. But in the meantime, given that he has perfected his own pedaling riding skills ages ago (i.e., sometime last week)... Justin felt it was time to spread the love and share his expertise. Go Jasmine Go.

1 comment:
I love my grandbabies! They make me sooo happy.
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