If you haven't seen Toy Story 3 at least 26 times, and can't quote at least 8 lines from the movie; then you're no friend of Justin's. It's so much fun

to watch him grow through his stages. Elmo is so last year. Check your chinese calendar: This is clearly the year of the Toy Story. Toy Story action figures, legos, stickers, towel, DVD, .... how someone can watch the same movie
so many doggone times is still simply amazing to me. Anyhow, when mommy saw this dress-up box for boys at a post-Christmas discount, there was no way we could pass it up. We thought about saving it for his birthday, but the truth is; there's not telling what he'll be into 6 months from now
(The Cat in the Hat is quickly rising up the popularity chart these days... in truth, Toy Story has had some stiff competition this week). But who's complaining... the quiet time is magnificent. At some point we'll tell him that there's also a Toy Story 1 and 2... but for now we're milking our Toy Story 3 DVD for all it's worth: twice its weight in gold!