Friday, January 28, 2011

BellyWatch3 | 8 Weeks

I guess they don't call it Labor Day for nothing. Come September, we'll be a family of five. Welcome to BellyWatch3.


Phyllis said...

Congratulations!! I see the Coopers are not the only ones with a 3rd special delivery on the way in Sept!! (Our date is 9/4 to be exact) Exciting! V, we'll talk soon, :-).

Tamara said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you all! :-)

Danah said...

Congrats!!! We won't be following suit with this mommy connection preggo party. :) Are we going w/ V names this time?!

avidphotog said...

Danah... aw come on... you know you want to jump on this baby making soul train line. As for the names, I think we're going to abandon the whole naming thing and just start numbering them.

avidphotog said...

Thanks, Tamara. And congratulations to you, Phyllis. As of now our due date is just 3 days later (but we've got a feeling it'll change). Looks like we'll be having virtual twins.

Grandma NaNa said...

NaNa and Pop Pop are so excited! I pray that this time we are BOTH able to make it there for the delivery. Justin and Jasmine will make excellent helpers. I'm beside myself with giddiness. I can't believe this is actually happening.