Baby? What Baby?
No... we haven't forgotten that we're expecting a baby. In truth, there just hasn't been a whole lot to say. Baby number 3 isn't developing any differently than the first two, and we feel like we're pretty much experts on that part now. With that said, however, we do still check out the babycenter.com updates on occasion, not to mention checking out old blog entries to see if we have a grape, banana or a lemon. As for mom... Physically, things are finally starting to change. Still very minimal weight gain (2 pounds?) but her tummy shape is definitely starting to change (become firmer and rise a bit). Emotionally, I think that it was admittedly a bit depressing for her when the 2nd trimester officially hit and the nauseau and other annoying symptoms didn't disappear like they did the first two times around. If anything, the headaches seem to have amplified in strength and frequency. But everyday is still just a tad bit better (well... for the most part... because then she'll have days like today where the misery all comes back 10-fold)... and so I'm thankful that she's been able to do what she can to still maintain her sanity and endure... because lord knows that I'm no help. I learned two pregnancies ago that now is not the time for cliche rally speeches like, hang in there kiddo, you're doing great. Yep, that'll get a frying pan hurled at you in a heartbeat as she screams, "easy for you to say!" at the top of her lungs. Okay... so she didn't scream at me and she didn't throw a frying pan... it was just a small kettle... and the water inside wasn't totally boiling yet... but that's not the point! The point is that we are indeed hanging in there and still in hope that things will get better for my lovely wife sooner than later.
We have our 3rd doctor's appointment today, so we'll see what they have to say about it all.
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