Wednesday, August 17, 2011

BellyWatch: 37 weeks

At 12:00am this morning, mommy was officially 37 weeks pregnant... but let's back up about 10 hours before then.

@ 2pm the 24 hour testing period ended.

@ 3pm Dr. Daniel shared the diagnosis.
The verdict: Preeclampsia
The Cure: Delivery
Projected birthdate: Tomorrow (as in today... Wednesday)
Daddy's Status: Delirious

@ 5pm Mommy moved from her temp room to the Labor & Delivery center.

@ 6pm
The cervix softener was given and contractions started almost immediately. That's about when I got a text from mommy stating that I better get back to the hospital if I want to live... or something like that. Kids are cooling at home with Lela, and daddy's on the way.

@ 10pm we have a bit of a scare (well, at least I was scared). With baby girl's heart rate dipping after every contraction, Dr. Daniel starts tossing around the C word; and our nurse is suddenly frantic as she prepares for the possibility of immediate surgery. V stayed cool, but I pretty much almost lost my mind for about the 8th time in 5 days. In the end, they fiddled and tweaked medications and positions, and (voila) we dodged the bullet and stayed on course with the original vaginal birth plan. Exhale.

So, we are back to where we started: Midnight on Tuesday. By now, we've spent exactly 3.5 days in Hartsville as a family, and mommy has spent more time in the hospital than in our new home. On the surface, it's certainly an inauspicious start to our new southern lives, but God has a funny way of making a mockery of our best laid plans; doesn't He? In that regards, we have no complaints. Call it a hunch, but we've got this strange feeling that He knows what He's doing.

On to Wednesday.

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