11:00 : Drugs kick in, and mommy begins to fade. Now that I look at the picture, she looks a little mad about it, actually. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and figure that she approves of the reduced pain levels. After 48 hours, her headache is also beginning to subside. Finally.

11:30 : New IV was put in. Blood was drawn for the umpteenth time. And mommy is still unaware of what planet she's on. Time for me to sneak away for a bite to eat.
Thanks Jerome for blogging along the way! I knew that you would :-).
I've been looking at my cell phone since last night for a text. Now I know to keep checking the blog.
Xoxoxox to you all! I'm looking forward to seeing your new baby girl!
You're next Phyllis! And let this be a lesson to you: Don't be like us, pack a bag! :o) Thanks for the well wishes.
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