35 weeks, and yep, I'm still pretty miserable. Things seem to only go from bad to worse with this 3rd BellyWatch. But God's giving me strength to get through each day - really. I've been sleeping in a recliner now for about 5 weeks because getting in and out of bed is excruciatingly painful... but that's getting old, too. I tried the floor the other night, but didn't fair any better there either; and getting in and out of the bed is out of the question with this crazy groin injury. So I'm back on the recliner. Anyway, I went to a few weeks of physical
therapy and now I do some of those exercises at home. These things just help minimize the pain, but are not a real fix. But, every little bit helps, of course.
As far as the Gestational Diabetes goes, well although I was able to control my blood sugars with my diet alone during the previous pregnancy, apparently this time that hasn't been enough, so I am on medication twice a day for that. The medication wasn't really improving my blood sugar readings, so I ended up on a new type of meds last week. Still not much difference, but the doctors seem content with my numbers. We'll see. Good news is that I am not stressed about that at all. I just want to do whatever is going to keep me and the baby healthy. The more I address this issue and get things under control, the greater the chance of me not having a super big baby that will result in a c-section. That's really my goal at this point. I would hate to have survived 2 pregnancies naturally and have to get a c-section on the last. And yes, I did say last (smile). Jerome and I both agree that my body is making it crystal clear that my baby making days are over! So, if we add to our family as we talked about before then it will most definitely be through adoption - which is something we've always talked about anyway.
The good news about the pregnancy is that I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I turned 35 weeks yesterday, so I have 4 or 5 weeks to go. Yay! We are almost there. I am really excited about welcoming Baby #3 into the world! Things are falling into place in Hartsville in terms of the house and the new OB, etc., so we continue to have peace about everything even in the midst of my discomfort and pain. The excitement of a new home, new job, new baby has been compensating for all of the prego related set backs. Oh, and I contacted the MOPs person down in Hartsville and got an immediate sense of peace about having a circle of mommies to connect to down there. They sound like a good tight-knit group like the one here in Virginia. I am really excited about that, too. It's comforting to know that I am not going to be alone while Jerome is working.

As far as the Gestational Diabetes goes, well although I was able to control my blood sugars with my diet alone during the previous pregnancy, apparently this time that hasn't been enough, so I am on medication twice a day for that. The medication wasn't really improving my blood sugar readings, so I ended up on a new type of meds last week. Still not much difference, but the doctors seem content with my numbers. We'll see. Good news is that I am not stressed about that at all. I just want to do whatever is going to keep me and the baby healthy. The more I address this issue and get things under control, the greater the chance of me not having a super big baby that will result in a c-section. That's really my goal at this point. I would hate to have survived 2 pregnancies naturally and have to get a c-section on the last. And yes, I did say last (smile). Jerome and I both agree that my body is making it crystal clear that my baby making days are over! So, if we add to our family as we talked about before then it will most definitely be through adoption - which is something we've always talked about anyway.
The good news about the pregnancy is that I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I turned 35 weeks yesterday, so I have 4 or 5 weeks to go. Yay! We are almost there. I am really excited about welcoming Baby #3 into the world! Things are falling into place in Hartsville in terms of the house and the new OB, etc., so we continue to have peace about everything even in the midst of my discomfort and pain. The excitement of a new home, new job, new baby has been compensating for all of the prego related set backs. Oh, and I contacted the MOPs person down in Hartsville and got an immediate sense of peace about having a circle of mommies to connect to down there. They sound like a good tight-knit group like the one here in Virginia. I am really excited about that, too. It's comforting to know that I am not going to be alone while Jerome is working.
[The End]
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