What I learned from attending his funeral yesterday was that 19-year-old Edward Taylor Coombs was one of the most amazing people that I never got to spend an appreciable amount of time with. He was (and still is) my cousin, and a real-life hero in his own right.
On the way home while listening to NPR, I heard someone say that we can measure the value of our life by the size of the impact that we have on the lives of other people. Eddie, it's now obvious to me that the impact you made, and funny enough continue to make, was as limitless as the love, kindness, and selflessness that you shared with those who had the pleasure of meeting you. I know that it is typically no more than a cliche when we say that someone makes us want to be a better person… but yet I can not find a better way to express how I felt and continue to feel after leaving your service yesterday. I'm inspired beyond words. Inspired to do more. To be more. Connect more. And to simply be better in every way that I possible can. Because the amount of joy that you very clearly and consistently gave to all of those around you speaks to your greatness of character. And for that inspiration, I thank you. Love always.
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