Well... we fell for it. And so there we were: 5 Negros picking cotton in the "snowy-white fields" of South Carolina. And now I'm left to wonder: Did I give my children worthwhile educational experience... or did I just set my peoples back 200 years? SMH ... Welcome to Hartsville. I'z be happy to be here.

Oh, by the way... For what it's worth, Jasmine would've been the best cotton picker on the planet. She got so into it, it was ridiculous (truth be told, she got a little too into it, and made daddy a little uncomfortable). Her work ethic knows no bounds. Her brother on the other hand, would've been the 1st passenger on the underground railroad. Lazy runaway wouldn't pick a lick of cotton. Should've sold him down the river.
1 comment:
OMG... I'm sitting here crying laughing with this post! The Reyes family signing up for volunteered cotton picking... funny!
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