Naomi Janelle's 2-month checkup was just a few days after she actually turned 2-months, and so I was not stocked with the baby stats in time for her previous blog entry. But without further ado, here's the tale of the tape. She weighed in a 10 lbs 7 oz (23rd percentile), stretched out at 21.5 inches. and ranked in the 63rd percentile for head circumference. In more practical terms, she's growing well and also sleeping well (yeah baby... keep hitting those 7-hour stretches) and definitely staying awake for longer stretches during the day. The discomfort and bowel issues that I hinted at during her last blog entry have subsided for the most part; and she has therefore continued to maintain her title as easy breezy baby number 3.

Justin and Naomi look like twins. Way to go Naomi, you are beautiful. NaNa cant wait to see you again
Simply beautiful!! XOXOXOX to all of you!
She is beautiful, but then again, we didn't expect anything less from you. Not sure who is writing these segments, but have to say, very witty.
I can't take credit for any of these posts. That's my witty husband you are referring to! :-) If it were up to me to document our life's journey, you guys would only get an occasional picture. Lol!!
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