Jasmine's Dog
The words you'll hear at least once a week around our house these days: You cannot play with Tasha for one full day! (and most recently, for a full and unprecedented 3 days). The fact that this has become our best
punishment for Jasmine Olivia pretty much says it all. It really does tell the whole story of a love-hate relationship between a girl and her dog. To say that Jasmine can be overly rough with Tasha is to say that water can be a bit wet to the touch. But that understatement is countered by the fact that no one pays Tasha as much attention as Jasmine. And so, Tasha has inevitably learned to take the good with the bad: Agreeing not to eat our second born for neither breakfast, lunch, nor dinner; in exchange for the pounds of love that Jasmine showers her with during the other 1/2 of the day. And just to be sure that Tasha is able to stick to her end of the deal, we'll continue to keep Jasmine on the occasional "Tasha timeout" in order to keep the peace, and also continue to keep Tasha otherwise
well fed.

Jasmine just loves that dog. I think Tasha had her at "Hello"
This is too funny, and precious at the same time. funny how we have to do whatever works to keep our kids in line. Great job mom.
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