About 3 weeks ago, V went back to work to close out the school year. And with that was born the Reyes version of Daddy Daycare as I stayed home each day with Justin and Jasmine while Mommy brought home the bacon. Now granted, I'm sure that we would not have lasted as a real business, as my unconventional ways probably would have led to about 48 health code violations, dozens of infractions with the NAIHDA (North American In-Home Daycare Association... okay, so I made that up) and probably 2 or 3 lawsuits.. if Jasmine or Justin could afford a lawyer... But the bottom line is that it was fun while it lasted. The past 2 or 3 weeks have been a phenomenal experience. But as of today, Mommy is officially back in charge. Thanks for the good times kiddos. I can only hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did.
I guess you can now be deemed the resident expert of caring for two alone. This is my first week home with the girls alone and I was a little scared. We have managed the past two days. Today might be the deal breaker as I'm venturing to the supermarket with them both. I can't miss my double coupon day!! If I have any questions I know who to call! :)
The best I can tell you is plan, plan, plan, and schedule, schedule, schedule. It worked well for me because I'm so task-oriented. Supermarket trips, playground visits, dinner plans, etc... having at least a general idea the night before as to how I was going to spend the day helped tremendously. Of course you had to shift things based on the little one's first feeding time, but it still gave a good started point. I tried to get as much done as possible by 10 am, and from there it was on cruise control. I know one thing, V is going to miss having the kitchen cleaned and dinner on the table by the time she got home. Veal Paprika, Red Peppers stuffed with Italian Sausage, Beef Sirloin Marsala, Baked Chicken with Honey-Lemon Glaze... I was a regular Betty Crocker for a while there. Anyway, good luck. You know where to reach me if you need Daddy Daycare consulting services :o) But I'm sure you'll be stellar.
Yes, I am already missing the perks that came along with Daddy Day Care! I'm convinced you hired help while I was at work - I just can't seem to prove it! LOL. Just kidding. Thanks for doing such a great job with the kids and the house in my absence. It helped me to get through those crazy final weeks at work. Glad to be back home with my family! I MISSED YOU GUYS DEARLY!! :-)
These are the best pics EVER!
A little biased, maybe?
I guess you can now be deemed the resident expert of caring for two alone. This is my first week home with the girls alone and I was a little scared. We have managed the past two days. Today might be the deal breaker as I'm venturing to the supermarket with them both. I can't miss my double coupon day!! If I have any questions I know who to call! :)
The best I can tell you is plan, plan, plan, and schedule, schedule, schedule. It worked well for me because I'm so task-oriented. Supermarket trips, playground visits, dinner plans, etc... having at least a general idea the night before as to how I was going to spend the day helped tremendously. Of course you had to shift things based on the little one's first feeding time, but it still gave a good started point. I tried to get as much done as possible by 10 am, and from there it was on cruise control. I know one thing, V is going to miss having the kitchen cleaned and dinner on the table by the time she got home. Veal Paprika, Red Peppers stuffed with Italian Sausage, Beef Sirloin Marsala, Baked Chicken with Honey-Lemon Glaze... I was a regular Betty Crocker for a while there. Anyway, good luck. You know where to reach me if you need Daddy Daycare consulting services :o) But I'm sure you'll be stellar.
Yes, I am already missing the perks that came along with Daddy Day Care! I'm convinced you hired help while I was at work - I just can't seem to prove it! LOL. Just kidding. Thanks for doing such a great job with the kids and the house in my absence. It helped me to get through those crazy final weeks at work. Glad to be back home with my family! I MISSED YOU GUYS DEARLY!! :-)
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