This past Saturday, we took a flight (two flights, actually, with an hour-plus layover) to pick up our new ride from Tampa, Florida. Long story short, Justin Alexander did great on both flights. He was a little rambunctious on the first (6:11 am) but it was empty and short enough (38 minutes) that I was able to give him a bit of free reign to be a toddler. Flight #2 was a potential nightmare since it was about 2 hours from DC to Tampa, full to capacity, and by the end of the layover he was WIRED and ready to rip. But as luck would have it, he squirmed in my lap for the first 30 minutes or so, and then passed out for most of the remaining flight. As for Justin's thoughts on the flight, we may as well have been on a city bus, in a movie theatre, or seated at our dining room table with a few extra dinner guests... because I could not get him to acknowledge the fact that we were flying... leaving the ground... amongst the clouds... etc... etc...
Daddy: Look Justin... the ground is disappearing... the people are getting smaller... and smaller... and we're going UP... Say "UP"...
Justin: Um... sure. whatever. Can I have my snack now or are you going make me keep looking out the window?
Totally unimpressed. As for the 13 hour drive home, that was equally uneventful (to the point where I had to pull over and tell him, "now Justin... you do know that this is not going to make much of a blog entry... right?)... and most importantly, we made it home safe and sound. And the van drives fantastically. Much better condition than I anticipated inside and out (everything checked out fine at our local mechanic yesterday). Hopefully we'll get some photos of the van itself this weekend; and of course we'll post 'em when we do.

um... okay... where's the ground?

Gate D4 is this way... follow me.

See you in Virginia.
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