Saturday, May 30, 2009
Enter the Realm...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Baby Tree
Friday, May 22, 2009
Norfolk Tides Baseball

But it wasn't until after the game that the evening got interesting. For the first time in his entire life, Justin spent the night in our bed last night (don't get used to it, pal). Long story short, there was a clown at the baseball game. Need I say more? I would've never bet that something so simple could be so traumatizing. Especially when the person in question is still shy of 2 years old. I understood him being scared, but I would have figured he'd forget about it in 5 minutes or less. Instead, the clown trumped the baseball game... Justin spent most of the night fighting off sleep... oh, and the Tides lost to Rochester 5 to 4.
But hey... at least Daddy had fun.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Jazzy Milestones II

- is letting us sleep. She has figured out the day/night thing and usually gives us one of two options each night: back to back 5-hour blocks of sleep with a quick feeding in between, or one longer stretch of 6 or 7 hours. The switch has also come with more wake time in the daytime. And though she's still not the most active newborn in the world, she's definitely more enjoyable than the sleepyhead we had a couple of weeks ago.
- doesn't know that she shouldn't be rolling over. In her first milestone entry, I mentioned she had rolled over on her 2nd or 3rd day of life; and figured it had to be a fluke (just the right angle with the blanket in the right position, and the moon and stars aligned properly, etc...). But since then she has done it again a couple of times, rolling from her stomach to her back. That's just ridiculous. What are they feeding these kids anyway? Once she can do it without all of the fuss, I'll count it as "authentic" and post a video (daddy... the eternal skeptic).
- Still doesn't say much. She is just now starting to give us a "coo" every now and then, but otherwise she seems content remaining the quiet type... probably observing everything and taking notes so that she can talk about us later.
- Hasn't gone "number two" on her own (i.e., without a suppository of some sort every 3 to 5 days). Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of that (no pun intended) at her 1 month doctor's appointment on Thursday.
- Likes to be held (which is an understatement)... to which you might say, but don't all babies like to be held?... and we'd quickly reply, "Ha! You must not know her brother; Mr. Put-me-on-the-mat-and-come-get-me-in-an-hour." Try to hold him too long, and he would kick, scream, and squirm like he had someplace to go... things to do, people to see, etc. In hindsight, I think he was about as independent as a baby can be. So going from that to Jasmine, who is definitely a "hug me / hold me" baby has been an adjustment... an adjustment that mommy just loves since we get to baby her in ways that Justin wouldn't have allowed. Evidently, he was just too cool for that.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Summer Fashion

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pass The Baby
Friday, May 15, 2009
Justin Milestones XXI
- is a quarter pounder (with cheese). After being exactly 24 pounds for over 6 months, we thought he'd never break the 25-pound mark. But he is officially over the hump. Hooray, Justin.
Of course we had the same anxiety when he was trying to break the 20-pound-and-turn-the-seat-around marker 12 months ago. Took forever! He was stuck on 19 for what seemed like decades. Something about those intervals of 5... ?
- has finally gotten hip to the water dispenser on the refrigerator door... which just means that we've gotten hip to the water lock button just above it.
- has his upper canines coming in. It's been so long since new teeth that this one caught us off guard for sure. After these two, he'll need 4 more teeth and his dientes de leche will be complete.
- is still more content to whine, grunt, or drag you towards what he wants rather than to try to use the words that he knows. Granted, he is speaking a lot more these days and is increasing his vocabulary beyond his favorite three words ("no", "daddy", and one of his first ever, "happy happy")... But he still does more repeating than anything else. On the positive side, he is finally starting to stretch himself in terms saying words before you prompt him. This morning we found him going through some homemade picture flash cards on his own (pictures of jugo, zapatos, perro, banana) and I think we were both kinda shocked that he got 'em all right. I guess it's time to make new flash cards.
- Is way better than daddy when it comes to saying thank you every time he is given something (yeah, yeah... I'm working on it).
- Will babble on the telephone (real or imaginary) for as long as you let him. But good luck with the translation.
Everything is a telephone, by the way... shoes, remote controls, building blocks, and (in desperate situations) either of his empty hands. For a few months now, he has also been a connoisseur of imaginary food, which apparently is quite delicious.
- probably is starting to discern between the two languages he hears, and has already learned that, when in doubt, say them both. So if you take his food or drink, you'll hear him running after you screaming, "mine mio! mine mio!"... funny stuff.
- can tell you his animal sounds if you ask him what each one says (horse, dog, cat, cow, in particular) and can fill in the blanks in the alphabet song (give him a-b-c-d and he'll give you e-f-g). Hopefully with summertime here and more time to work with him, we can turn the corner in the coming months and really get his speech up and running.
- Loves Old MacDonald and Curious George.
- Turns TWO YEARS OLD in 40 days... Wasn't he just born yesterday? Incredible.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Better than a Mac
Friday, May 8, 2009
This is Farewell

8. Safety. With good ol fashion metal construction you probably couldn't tell the difference between getting hit by a newer car and going over a speed bump.
6. Every State Inspection is like a pot luck dinner: always a "fun" surprise.
3. You can have a picnic in the car with no concern for spillage. At this point, honey mustard spills, barbecue sauce stains and baby spitup just adds to the decor.
2. No car payment. Cheaper insurance.
1. Feeling like you're in a rare fraternity whenever you see another car just like yours since very few are still on the road. The rest have already beat you to the junkyard.
And with that, our '97 Nissan Altima (V's car from her college days) has seen it's last hooray. We're not emotionally attached to it like I am the Civic (which is 9 years old now) but It has served us well, and we hate to see it go (okay, not really... actually we just hate to have to buy another car). So this is goodbye to an old faithful friend (well, maybe not that faithful)... and probably hello to the ranks of (gasp)... the MINIVAN. I guess everything happens for a reason. To be continued...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Jazzy Milestones. I
- 2 ounces past her birth weight as of last week's doctor's appointment.
- is working towards knowing her days from nights. We're not there yet, but her nighttime feedings are starting to stretch from 3 hours to 4 - 6 hours in between. She's also taking smaller feedings overnight and going back to sleep pretty quickly. Hooray for more sleep in the Reyes household.
- is in the involuntary smile phase of infancy, which is still hilarious to me the second time around.
- has the same neck strength that Justin had at this age, which is probably a product of both of them being juicy babies to begin with.
- is super fidgety. It's the reason that she only lasted 2 or 3 days in the bassinet before being moved to the nursery (that and the fact that I couldn't find all the parts to put it together). She's already playing the "I'm not where you left me" game when you go to get her from her crib; and two weeks ago turned over from stomach to back, not with intention, but just from sheer fidget while crying for attention. The girl is strong (watch out Justin).
- cries like a girl. She also has tears already. Had 'em pretty much since birth, which is funny to me since it took Justin over a month to be able to create tears (seems all too fitting given the gender difference... wonder if there's anything to that). She is also not nearly as vocal as Justin was at this age (here's Justin at 19 days). In fact, she's so quiet (she usually won't utter a sound all day) that I didn't realize / remember that babies could even be vocal this early on... until I went back and read about the chatterbox that Justin was at just 2 weeks old. I re-read his entry and said to myself "he made noise?!" In general, it's fun to see how different the two of them are at comparable ages. We can already see that she is much more laid back than her brother was, even this early in the game (I guess boys are just so doggone rambunctious). It'll be fun to see how this one plays out.

Cabin Fever

But then it started to drizzle. And for about 4 seconds I start wondering, hmmm... where could they be that they're not getting wet. But before the thought got a chance to develop, my cell phone rang. "Open the door... Open the door... I'm commmmminnng....". I opened the door in time to see V sprinting across the street towards the house like Jackie Joyner-Kersey with a baby stroller. Head down and full steam ahead. Straight across the lawn and up the porch stairs like lightning. Oh my gosh, it was so funny. Reason #492 why I should have a camera around my neck at all times.
And mommy missed becoming a better blog entry by about 20 seconds, because just as we got the stroller in the house, the skies opened up to downpours and hail. But in the end, all was well: I think they got a good hour in before the rain, Jasmine stayed dried and slept right through the mayhem, and mommy got a kick out of her own failed attempt at a jail break.

Monday, May 4, 2009

With a new mouth to feed and mommy out of work, Justin threw it into high gear this year with 3 gigs in 2 months. This most recent one was for a medical training video and took place 4 days after Jasmine came home. The shoot was a little chaotic (poor planning, multiple locations, two set visits in one day, etc) but Justin did well [i.e., nothing like he was for the Smart Beginnings photo shoot]. He was so "been there done that" on the set that it was comical to watch. I'm sure it helped that his entire scene took place (a) in the kitchen and (b) in front of the refrigerator; two of his favorite places. All in all, I think he had a good time. Let's just hope that any other jobs that he gets go this well.

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Bringing Home Baby

...And though that's not exactly how things have gone during Justin & Jasmine's first 13 days together, it's also not too far from the truth. Even though he seemed intent on not acknowledging her presence for the first few days, I think both parents were happy with the fact that his overall demeanor didn't change much at all and he didn't show any major signs of rejection or jealousy. From there things only got better as we sought to include him as much as possible into Jasmine's routine. Now he rocks her, keeps her company, and feeds her on occasion... whether she's hungry or not (which only becomes problematic when we need to take the bottle from him... that two-year-old possessive phase... everything is "MINE!"... followed by a mini tantrum). In short, it's been fun watching the two of them bond (well, as much as a newborn and 22 month old can). It's still back and forth: some days he cries to see her cry and scrambles to console her... while the next day he'll ignore her altogether. But either way our hope is the same as every other parent of 2 kids or more: that the groundwork is now being laid for a bond between the two of them that will last a lifetime.