With the exception of one or two family trips to the store (during which mom and Jasmine stay in the car while Justin and I run errands) the two ladies of the house have been on house arrest since Jasmine got home about 3 weeks ago. A third of the reason is voluntary (giving Jasmine's immune system more time to strengthen), a third has been circumstantial (remember, we're down to one car), and the last third has been dictated by the extremely high pollen counts of late (allergies allergies allergies). So needless to say that when I came home the other day to an empty house, I was thrown for a loop. No note, no voicemail. Just empty. Yep, mommy and Jasmine had sprung loose. With our first day of rain in a very long time (which lowered the pollen count) V grabbed hold of the moment and took Jasmine for her first stroll around the block.
But then it started to drizzle. And for about 4 seconds I start wondering, hmmm... where could they be that they're not getting wet. But before the thought got a chance to develop, my cell phone rang. "Open the door... Open the door... I'm commmmminnng....". I opened the door in time to see V sprinting across the street towards the house like Jackie Joyner-Kersey with a baby stroller. Head down and full steam ahead. Straight across the lawn and up the porch stairs like lightning. Oh my gosh, it was so funny. Reason #492 why I should have a camera around my neck at all times.
And mommy missed becoming a better blog entry by about 20 seconds, because just as we got the stroller in the house, the skies opened up to downpours and hail. But in the end, all was well: I think they got a good hour in before the rain, Jasmine stayed dried and slept right through the mayhem, and mommy got a kick out of her own failed attempt at a jail break.

But then it started to drizzle. And for about 4 seconds I start wondering, hmmm... where could they be that they're not getting wet. But before the thought got a chance to develop, my cell phone rang. "Open the door... Open the door... I'm commmmminnng....". I opened the door in time to see V sprinting across the street towards the house like Jackie Joyner-Kersey with a baby stroller. Head down and full steam ahead. Straight across the lawn and up the porch stairs like lightning. Oh my gosh, it was so funny. Reason #492 why I should have a camera around my neck at all times.
And mommy missed becoming a better blog entry by about 20 seconds, because just as we got the stroller in the house, the skies opened up to downpours and hail. But in the end, all was well: I think they got a good hour in before the rain, Jasmine stayed dried and slept right through the mayhem, and mommy got a kick out of her own failed attempt at a jail break.

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