At 30 days old, Jasmine Olivia...
- is letting us sleep. She has figured out the day/night thing and usually gives us one of two options each night: back to back 5-hour blocks of sleep with a quick feeding in between, or one longer stretch of 6 or 7 hours. The switch has also come with more wake time in the daytime. And though she's still not the most active newborn in the world, she's definitely more enjoyable than the sleepyhead we had a couple of weeks ago.
- doesn't know that she shouldn't be rolling over. In her first milestone entry, I mentioned she had rolled over on her 2nd or 3rd day of life; and figured it had to be a fluke (just the right angle with the blanket in the right position, and the moon and stars aligned properly, etc...). But since then she has done it again a couple of times, rolling from her stomach to her back. That's just ridiculous. What are they feeding these kids anyway? Once she can do it without all of the fuss, I'll count it as "authentic" and post a video (daddy... the eternal skeptic).
- Still doesn't say much. She is just now starting to give us a "coo" every now and then, but otherwise she seems content remaining the quiet type... probably observing everything and taking notes so that she can talk about us later.
- Hasn't gone "number two" on her own (i.e., without a suppository of some sort every 3 to 5 days). Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of that (no pun intended) at her 1 month doctor's appointment on Thursday.
- Likes to be held (which is an understatement)... to which you might say, but don't all babies like to be held?... and we'd quickly reply, "Ha! You must not know her brother; Mr. Put-me-on-the-mat-and-come-get-me-in-an-hour." Try to hold him too long, and he would kick, scream, and squirm like he had someplace to go... things to do, people to see, etc. In hindsight, I think he was about as independent as a baby can be. So going from that to Jasmine, who is definitely a "hug me / hold me" baby has been an adjustment... an adjustment that mommy just loves since we get to baby her in ways that Justin wouldn't have allowed. Evidently, he was just too cool for that.

You forgot to mention that she can do hand signs. She's telling us to "hang loose!" in the second picture. LOL!!!
Wow! It's remarkable how much she looks like Nikki when she was born. Same Beautiful complexion --- Big Beautiful Eyes --- and a beautiful head of hair. Now all she has to do is grow up and be the crazy comedienne that Nikki has become. And that would really be something! (uh___ uh___) God Bless my Jazzy Nikki (smile). Much love to you all.
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