... of the soccer mom. It's official: We have officially pulled the trigger on the mini-van purchase. Justin and I will be booking a flight to Florida to pick up our new wheels within the next week or so. Yep... a non-direct flight
(his first of any sort) and a 12-hour drive back home, all with Justin as my wing man. If nothing else, that trip should be worth at least one good blog entry by the time we get back. Wish us luck.
Congrats ! You are officially a true family man, mini van and all. I am so proud of you.Can't wait to see you guys. Hopefully the van will give you an incentive to come see us.
Wonderful! I love how you and V always find great stuff via internet, etc.! I'm looking forward to seeing all of yall in the minivan. Have fun and be safe on the ride back:)
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