I've gotta say... this kid loves the spotlight. It was easy to be nonchalant about his experiences when he was doing this at 1 and 2 years old since he probably didn't even get it back then. In fact, chances are, he probably doesn't even remember those first few jobs. But he gets it now. He gets television. He gets that he's pretending. He gets that we're squeezed into a really tight room with 2 other people on the set and about 18 other people watching him. And he so obviously loves it.
They did about 6 or 7 takes... none of which started before 10:15 pm, despite a call time of 3pm... but that's a whole different blog entry... one that would be written with a very disgruntled undertone. Anyhow, the first take was uneventful... but by the third or fourth take, he had obviously gotten too comfortable. "Justin the actor" had left the building, and "Justin the clown" was in full effect. Improvisation and the quest for laughs had begun. And as I watched from behind the camera, I thought... how in the world did an introverted math geek produce such a ham? But then I had a flashback to grades 1 through 5... and there I was, in the back of the room, paying the teacher no mind whatsoever. The consummate class clown. Genetics are a funny thing.

"Rob... that was good... but I want you to deliver that
last line with more emotion next time."

"Good job with the lighting, Teddy. Hey, tell the fam I said hello."
Quote of the day:
Earlier in the day, we prepped Justin for his role and explained to him that he was going to have a pretend mommy and a pretend daddy in the scene with him. On the way to the shoot, he told me in the car, "tell them that if I'm going to have a pretend mommy and pretend daddy, that they're going to need a pretend Jasmine, too."
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