Big news: As of last week, the doctor has given the baby until the 16th to come on its own (which is now only a head spinning 10 days away). If it doesn't come between now and then, given the complications we've had, they will induce labor to help ensure the arrival of a healthy baby by the 17th. For me the whole conversation about choosing a date was very surreal, and I still haven't totally wrapped my head around the idea that we are scheduling the baby's birthday rather waiting with bated breath for that breakthrough moment marked by broken water and an action packed dash to the hospital. When the doctor asked, "what day would you like?"... I had to honestly ask her, "and exactly what are we supposed to base that on?" I mean, in my book, you schedule vacations, dinner plans, and homework assignments... but what are you supposed to consider when you are scheduling a birth? Your favorite tv show? ("well, Law and Order is airing a new episode on Thursday, so I'm thinking Friday morning is fine")... Zodiac signs? ("We definitely want a Pisces, so we'll hold out till Monday, thanks" )... Kids Eat Free night at Sal's Pizzeria? Whatever the case, they all sound equally absurd to me. I know it's done all the time, but choosing someone's birthday just doesn't seem like something that should be up to me. So I was at a loss as to how to even respond to her question. For what seemed like forever, I sat dumbfounded. But after about a minute of staring at the wall, I finally came up with a halfway decent question.
Jerome: "So you want to induce during the 39th week... Statistically speaking, is there any difference between 39 weeks and 1 day versus 39 weeks and 6 days? Will either choice improve the probability of a successful childbirth for mom or baby?" (I was thinking she'd say, the longer we wait the better... but instead, she replied...)
Doctor: Nope. At that point it's all the same.
I love this entry - so funny! V you look great!!
Thanks for the comment, Phyllis. It's funny because I hear about scheduled births all the time, but I never thought about how weird the notion could be until I had to experience it. Glad you enjoyed the entry.
We had to go through that in a round about a way. The doctors asked if I wanted to try a certain method to get me to contract more or to just go ahead and have a C-section. I chose the latter. I wanted her outta there! And plus all the medical conditions that we were worried about...so it was kind of wierd when you think about it..but as long as the baby (boy, I'd say) is healthy, then it's all good! It's only days away! Tell V we said HELLO!
This is hilarious! I remember going through the same experience almost a year ago!! We reacted the same way and at week #39 we had the safe delivery of our bundle of joy! :)
We are praying for you guys... everything is going to be alright. God is in control. Even when we think we are choosing the birthday... this has all been carefully planned by the Master! :)
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