3:25: Woken up by contractions. "Hi, this is Reyes in room 2. Bring on the drugs. Thanks."
3:50: Medicated.
4:00: Relief sets in. More sleep follows. The drugs only lasted about an hour or two, but mommy says that it was the best hour of sleep that money could buy.
6:00: Wake up call. Unfortunately the cervidil made no noticeable improvement in dilation, as we are still at 1 cm (been there for weeks, actually) despite contractions continuing to intensify at 2 to 4 minutes apart.

7:12: Induction Stage 2: Pitocin connected. Scrabble game resumed.

8:40: Crank up the Pitocin.
9:00: Mom-in-Law makes a cameo (and brings dad's breakfast. Hooray for mom!!).
9:39: Pitocin increase numero dos.
9:53: Visits from Dr. Puritz, Mom, and Popsicle number 2.

Overall, V is in good shape. Sleepy still, but enduring the contractions better over time. Every trip to bathroom has been an adventure with all of the cords, wires, and i.v. bags in tow. But it does ad for comic relief and helps break the monotony. For what it's worth, the weather outside seems gorgeous (not that we can enjoy it). Going up to 80 degrees with few clouds to speak of. Perfect day for having babies. Now if we can just get some dilation going.
3:50: Medicated.
4:00: Relief sets in. More sleep follows. The drugs only lasted about an hour or two, but mommy says that it was the best hour of sleep that money could buy.
6:00: Wake up call. Unfortunately the cervidil made no noticeable improvement in dilation, as we are still at 1 cm (been there for weeks, actually) despite contractions continuing to intensify at 2 to 4 minutes apart.

7:12: Induction Stage 2: Pitocin connected. Scrabble game resumed.

8:40: Crank up the Pitocin.
9:00: Mom-in-Law makes a cameo (and brings dad's breakfast. Hooray for mom!!).
9:39: Pitocin increase numero dos.
9:53: Visits from Dr. Puritz, Mom, and Popsicle number 2.

Overall, V is in good shape. Sleepy still, but enduring the contractions better over time. Every trip to bathroom has been an adventure with all of the cords, wires, and i.v. bags in tow. But it does ad for comic relief and helps break the monotony. For what it's worth, the weather outside seems gorgeous (not that we can enjoy it). Going up to 80 degrees with few clouds to speak of. Perfect day for having babies. Now if we can just get some dilation going.
1 comment:
Thank so much for the update. Keep 'em coming. Great job Daddy!
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