... photo of Justin from two years ago. Sorry. But did you feel that? That feeling of instant exhilaration and held breath... followed by an indescribable let down? Did it make you feel emotionally bamboozled, beguiled, conned, deceived, duped, gypped, hoodwinked, victimized, ... you get the point. Well, that's exactly what I felt when we called the hospital at 7:15 to confirm our scheduled arrival for V's induction and were told that there were no more beds. You want to talk about feeling dejection. I'm still trying to recover. I felt like someone punched me in the gut. Wind out of my sails. Air out of my balloon... and any other cheesy proverb that you can think of along those lines. We spent a week gearing up for today, only to be put on hold for another 24 hours. And after 9 months of waiting, you'd think that another day would be neither here nor there... but it was the build up. The planning. The anxiety. Like seeing those dreaded three words at the end of your favorite tv show: to be continued (to which you almost always respond awwwwwwww mannnnnn). It's that same feeling I get after every episode of "24". Brought to the brink of exhilaration. Then, BAM. Nothing. See you next week.
Oddly enough, V is taking it much better than I am. For me, this is worse than that time 2 years ago when I thought I won the lottery. Stayed up until 11pm to listen to them call the numbers. Realized I matched every one of the numbers... including the mega ball... Funny how $102 million dollars will send your mind in 100 million places in just 8 seconds flat.... only to realize that my ticket said Virginia Lottery, not Mega Millions. Right numbers. Wrong Lottery. Now that, my friend, is an emotional roller coaster that you don't want to be on. That also never happened. But if it did, that would pretty much describe how I felt when I heard those dreadful three words tonight: No more beds.
So we try again tomorrow night. Only to face the possibility of the same thing happening again. Exasperating. Hey if nothing else, we'll have a story to our second child every year on April 17: "Your birthday would be today... but there were no more beds. Sorry kid, you can open your gifts tomorrow."
Wow you got me! Just like Joseph and Mary must have felt... There's no more room at the inn. Why didn't you guys try the barn and a manger? Must be the birth of a very special child of god!
I got you... cool! that's funny. Misery loves company :o)
Oh no! Same thing happened to a relative a couple of years back -- scheduled to induce, but she had to call to see if they had a bed first? What is up with that?
Hopefully, Baby R #2 will arrive really soon!
J, you know us so well! I mean right down to the "gasp"! Thanks for keeping us posted and you all will be in my prayers. God's timing can be quite interesting...God bless!
LOL!! Jerome is crazy. I had to have my own little whining session myself last night, but I moved on relatively quickly. My initial reaction was pretty bad but I saw that I had to pull it together when Jerome found out - because as you can imagine his tantrum was much worse. So I had to stay calm to keep him from taking the entire delivery ward hostage.
Today's update is that the hospital has issued a more formal apology (part of the pull story is that not only didn't we have a bed, but we weren't even on the list to be admitted) and we're all set to try again tonight but I think there's a much better chance that we'll make the cut this time.
Thanks for the well wishes.
I loved this entry!!! Too funny!! Well, we've been praying for you all day... I'll go to bed with my cell phone tonight! :)
I'm like grandma, there were no beds at the inn for Mary and Joseph...you and V are outdoor people, you could have improvised with space on the lawn.
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