10:41: Progress! V's
water was broken and the doc put her at 3 to 4cm dilated. The water breakage didn't go so well... For a week V has been asking me if I thought the water breaking process would be painful... we now have a very definitive answer to that question. And so does anyone else within screaming distance of our room. But hearing right afterward that the cervix had gone from 1cm to 3 or 4cm made all the difference in the world. Pain is one thing, but pain with a purpose is a whole lot easier to bear.
10:42: V forgave the doctor for what she just did.
11:04: The request for an
epidural. Once the water was broken, the contractions went bananas. Our guess is about a minute apart with the intensity almost up 50 to 100%. Whatever they were, they were intense, and I think we all got our first collective sense that it wouldn't be long from here. Yipee Skipee!
11:12: Enter stage left the anesthesiologist.
11:33: The epidural procedure begins.
"Hold still..."11:51: Epidural is a done deal.
12:45: 5 centimeters and counting.
13:26 : 8 - 9 centimeters.
14:11: Dilation complete.
14:16: 1... 2... 3... and PUSH!
I'm so excited, I'm holding my breath.Pop Pop couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep!
WOW! I feel like I'm there!
OMG the suspense. We're pushing and holding our breath. Push em out shove em out way out!
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